Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Today I was peed on, spit-up on, and covered in formula, dirt, and more. It was a really fun day.
When I got to the clinic Alina was wearing a cloth diaper (she usually wears pampers because she is so tiny and has a bad rash) that was pinned on all funny and without an elastic. She was propped with a bottle so I decided I'd finish feeding her and then change her. This was a mistake because half way through eating her botttle she peed and it soaked right through her lopsided diaper and onto both hers and my shirts. I would have changed but it seemed pointless since I knew I would get all covered in other various substances throughout the course of the day. Besides, it was only a small spot and it was hot so it dried quickly. The morning passed by and it was yogurt time and Alex only wanted to eat the blueberry yogurt out of the spoon that wasn't hers. After nap Alex was the first up and she joined us outside in the shade. I tickled her and made her giggle in between periods of mock seriousness. I played with Maiastra for a little while too. She sobbed when I tried to make her walk (I'm told she can but doesn't like to and I have yet to see her do it). She sobbed when I held her. She sobbed when I put her down. She was ok when I walked in one direction but not in the other. Than we tried out the swing and she sobbed when I tried to put her in it. However, once I started pushing her she calmed right down. She would have stayed in that swing all afternoon but it was sunny and I didn't want her to burn. After that beatrice and I went exploring and her hands got completely covered in dirt and grime. We found some really old strollers that looked more like shopping carts, some old cribs, and a lot of fallen fruit. She wanted to eat this fruit but I taught her to throw it instead. We had a lot of fun and I took a million photos. I can't wait to go back tomorrow.

I forgot to bring the USB cord today so I'll try and upload more photos tomorrow.


Suz said...

I NEEEEEEED more pictures of Ionela. Can anyone help me out? send to Suzie11111@aol.com thankyou

Anonymous said...

Hi Mela- I keep forgetting I can post a comment after I'm done soaking up the great stories of the children. How is Hali enjoying her time?
The kids and Mackenzie and I read your post last night and when we pulled up your picture Jonathon and we said "hi" to you, Jonathon asked if he could tell you something and he looked at your picture and told you that he learned how to pump last week. It was so cute- I think he really thought you could hear him. Everyday they ask me when you are coming home and count down how many days til you get back. After we spent the day with Shelby and Daniel and Joseph, Olivia asked if I could work full time like Daniel and Joseph's mom so that they could have you full time like the boys have Shelby:) Love, Yasha and kids